Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Time

Hello everyone...

Tis the season to be jolly and happy. Well, that is at least until you see that you over spent your paycheck on gifts for people that they really do not need. don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It is the season that Christians celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ, the Lord in the flesh. One thing that I think Christ would be unhappy about is the way that we truly do not follow his word. God tells us to be simple, to come last, to offer help to others, and to love everyone. Often people get the wrong idea about what love is and think that it has something to do with giving outrageous amounts of money or gifts. Love is not material. It is the way we act towards one another, giving a helping hand, offering to help out a friend, giving to the needy (not giving the rich in expectation to receive more), praying for a special someone, or just doing a favor to lighten the load for someone else. These ideas enumerate love. Remember your friends and family and take time to say I love you to some close to you. Share with them a handshake or hug and remember that this year’s time of giving doesn’t have to include a $20 gift certificate or a new stereo. Show your friends and family you really love them by talking to them or giving a helping hand.

Also, I would like to mention the death of actress Britney Murphy. Her talent on this Earth was beyond most actresses of her time. I pray and hope your family the best. Godspeed and rest in peace.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


One of the greatest holidays in the world is constantly under attack each year. Some years Halloween is known for its unsafe candy (with razor blades), pedophiles handing out candy, or gang members initiating new members by holding up kids for their candy. The simple truth is that Halloween is relatively safe. In U.S.A Today, statistics reveal that 2.2 deaths per Halloween are caused by cars hitting children. Some reports say that this is more than two times more likely to happen on Halloween, but fail to reveal that probably 20-50 times more children are crossing the street at night on Halloween.

Also, we have all heard the urban legend that children get poisoned by people giving out trick or treat candy. In actuality, no such case has ever been discovered in the U.S. WOW, pretty lame story for how many times people pretend it happens.

Now this year, family members are worried about the swine flu being spread throughout the community by people spreading it hand to hand. Even Barack Obama has made it a national emergency. I question why it is such an emergency? Are medical companies going to make millions upon billions on these vaccines? Of course they are. To date, less than 115 people have died from swine flu this year (Centers for Disease Control). As of 2006, 73.7 million children under age 18 were in the United States. Thus, one in 640,869 children will die of swine flu. More children a year die of pneumonia, diarrhea, drowning, HIV, tuberculosis, suicide, etc. Which means, leave your child in a bubble if you want them safe.

Listen parents, Halloween couldn't really get much safer. Please consider being safe while trick or treating by participating in groups, having parental supervision, and providing flash lights and reflective gear for your child. Halloween is safe for the soul and the body, just don't get a tummy ache by eating too much candy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Pelche Effect (not the correct spelling?)

Well, I am looking into some paranormal information I received last week on what I know as the Pelche Effect (I am not sure about the spelling). The Pelche effect is a theory that uses ground water and limestone slabs of bedrock to explain paranormal activity both audibly and visually.

Audibly, people experience noises like doors slamming, walking, and other audible experiences. It often occurs at night. Some say that the night would explain some of these noises because of the moon's gravitational pull, although we know that the moon has a gravitational pull during the day as well.

Visually, people experience movement around the house, people sitting next to them, and actual apparitional ghosts. As to whether they are actually dead people, this is highly debated. Most scientists believe the way the water and chemical properties from limestone rock can cause hallucinations in homes who sit over certain slabs of bedrock.

If you know of any other information regarding this theory or want to comment on similar theories of apparitional and hallucinatory type, please feel free to do so.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Paranormal fun

Hello friends,

Welcome to my blog. I will try to periodically update my blog with certain questions and answers, upcomging events, or paranormal updates weekly. If you have questions for me or you just want to establish communication with me through the blog, feel free to do so. I look forward to answering paranormal questions that pertain to both scientific and qualitative data. Also, if I cannot find the answer I have a slew of people that probably can.

Remember our annual Haunted House hosted by Rockford College Paranormal Society (co-hosted by Forest City Paranormal Society) on Saturday October 24th.

The following topic I came across on a Unsolved Mysteries case I saw last week.
To be continued...