Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Class Conflict.... Alive and Thriving

Imagine a world where the middle class no longer exists. Imagine a world where the richest in their class take a strangle hold on those below them and work them for every ounce of blood and sweat. Imagine a world where paychecks continue to drop, taxes are higher (only on the middle and lower class), and unions become less influential because in most states it is illegal to organize. These are the times of our age the 2010's. As Republicans get ready to square off against President Obama, their mouths are watering and waiting for the opportunity to grill him over his economic shortfalls. I must admit, I am disappointed with much of the work the President has done with trying to enhance our economy, but the Republicans in this country have a list of zero's on their side as well.

In fact, in a recent push to increase job production in the U.S., President Obama tried pushing a bill through the Senate that many claim would have helped construction workers, education (teachers), firefighters, police, and veterans. The bill met a wall of Republican Elephants who said the bill cost too much. Being Conservative and all, I think they believe wasting billions of dollars in Afghanistan and Iraq is a much better investment. Better idea! Lets spend 17 billion dollars on 75 F22 Raptors. What an investment in the future.

Some people see security as an American soldier carrying a light machine gun through the streets of some 3rd World country. Others see security as a paycheck, a job, or being able to afford their home. As paychecks continuously go down in the U.S., CEO paychecks have increased, even after the major bank and car company bailouts. As the richest 1% get richer in the U.S., they are hoping to get even more richer as the Republicans try to lower taxes on the top 1% of wage earners, a trend that started to erase the middle class since President Reagan. As taxes fell to new lows on the richest Americans, higher costs fell on most of our parents. Education and college costs were raised due to less federal spending, again, double hitting the middle class. Now is the time to act. The 9-9-9 plan proposed by Herman Cain and similar plans to lower taxes on the richest 1% of Americans needs to stop NOW. For every percentage point they lower taxes on the rich, it is billions upon billions of taxes that get raised on the middle class. Enough is enough.

I always hear our upper class individuals talk about how people like me bring about class conflict in our society and how it breeds hate for the upper class. Let me remind you that the conflict that exists remains because your responsibility of taking care of the lower classes, you know, the ones who work at minimum wage to supply your bank cophers, are sick and tired. With our health care benefits being taken away, our pay checks decreasing, education and taxes rising, we refuse to pay the load so that millionaires and billionaires can live comfortably in both their summer and winter homes. I refuse to pay more so that they can own 3-4 expensive cars, while mine is bought used and is rusting out. I refuse to pay more so that their kids can have no responsibilities, while mine may have to work at age 16 to help our family survive. I refuse to pay more so that they can purchase expensive dresses, shoes, diamonds, jewelry, exotic animals, or rolex watches while I struggle to pay for my gasoline so I can drive to work.

I won't pay more. And if I have it my way, those who make more than 1 million dollars will pay more. I refuse to pay one dime more. I am the middle class American. There are more of me, than there are of you. I will out vote you in the next election. I will succeed in making sure I live more comfortably, all the while I will succeed in making sure our upper class think twice before they purchase their 5th car. I am the middle class. I am one, but we are many.

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